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What an interesting night I had...

from stephen krogman (skrogman@concentric.net)
Last night me and my friend went to this hugh arcade called Grand Prix Golf-O-Rama and while standing on line to go in, about 2 people in front of me was this guy that looked really familiar, it happened to me Billy Mitchell. With his family owned sports bars that he manages it's almost impossible for him to get a Saturday night off and spend it at an arcade. He was with a few friends that were from out of town. We talked for a few minutes before I ended up hooking up with him about 30 minutes after we had been inside. While on line, I had told him about Walter Day adding Rick Fothergils Ms Pacman score of 910K on his page beating the current world champ Chris Ayra by 36K. He quickly responded with "910K huh, oh Chris has allready beaten that score..." He wouldn't tell me because he wants to keep quite about it for sometime before the next book comes out. Then he'll surprise everyone. Anyway, 30 min. later, I walked around to look for him and found him playing mspacman (turbo) with my friend, he was explaining to my friend his strategy and grouping method that him and chris uses to achieve such high scores. I was dumb founded when I was watching him do the things he was doing. It was unbelievable to see in person! and way too complicated to explain allthough he did it like he had his eyes closed, he explained what each one of the ghosts was going to do and they did it! Then he showed me his strategy on Centipede which is what got him his score of 25M and the world record. My jaw hit the floor on this one as well. I can't wait for Walter to put a Coordination Day Tournement together combining arcade games and mame and hold it for not only US participants but to other countries as well. If anything, it would be held in Iowa where the birth of Twin Galaxies is. I wonder if any of the players MARP has from over seas would attend. It would be a BIG event, not just another arcade high score contest. It would be like the big event that was published in Guinness back around 85' Steve Krogman
(posted 9473 days ago)

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