Angry, True. I probably don't have to contribute another list as Mark and Walter allready have one going for some time now. What I will do though, is contribute help as far as settings go for alot of the newer games found in the arcade that haven't made it to mame yet. I don't think Mark or Walter will want to go searching for TG settings for Time Crisis 2... Also, There are now over 1,000 games available to mame. I don't think Mark will end up going to every game to log down settings to add to his list what he's missing. Aventually, I would like to play most if not all the games available at least once and while doing that, I can help set the TG settings for that game that Mark or Walter will probably not get around to doing any time soon. Alot of games, Mark hasn't even played before and Walter has never even seen! That's where my help would come in.(posted 9473 days ago)Regards, Steve Krogman