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Response to Film Latitude

from John Hicks / John's Camera Shop (jbh@magicnet.net)
It's impossible to really answer your question without knowing what developer you intend to use and to what CI you intend to develop the films. Plus we have no idea how your light meter's calibrated etc. So...you'll have to test yourself. I gather you're going to have a commercial lab develop the film? Well, more often than not a commercial lab will use one developer for all films and will tend to overdevelop since most photographers underexpose. For all films, shoot a frame at the normal speed, then one stop over and one stop under and then in the future use the speed that resulted in the best prints. If you're going to develop the film yourself, I get full EI for the Deltas and HP5+ in Xtol 1:1 and 1:2, EI 640 for HP5+ in Microphen and EI 320 for HP5+ in Rodinal 1:50 w/20g sodium sulfite/liter. My standard developer is Xtol. A lab charges more for pull or push processing simply because your roll of film gets its own development run rather than with all the rest.
(posted 9244 days ago)

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