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Kodak and Ilford 3200 pulled to 1000

from shawn gibson (shawn.gibson@utoronto.ca)
Hi. I'd like to try some of the faster films for available light work, but I'd rather pull a film than push it. So that leaves me Delta 3200 and T-Max. I want to shoot at ISO 1000 (to start), so I am curious for answers to the following questions: 1) which of these films pulls "better" as far as grain size, "prettiness", and as far as tonal range is concerned? 2) I develop my own B+w's, so I'd like any info on developers and times at these ratings. I generally use Ilford HC, but will use whatever developer will give me the best results for these emulsions/ISO's. Thanks. Shawn
(posted 9212 days ago)

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