Hello (I am sorry my English, it is translated by a program of translation) I believe that if it is not possible to check who this making tricks or not, then maybe it would be better to allow them and to not discuss more the topic. the rules would be this way even for all. On the other hand I have seen excellent inp, those which without any place to doubts were made with tricks (automatic fire and slow speed). But I have been able to also see that he that played them was very good and he knew all the facets of the game. Maybe that player 5 or 10 years ago when it played every day that game, he made more points than the one he made in the inp. in that case, this wrong that they have made trip? I cause myself a great emotion to see the end of several games to those that it didn't play 10 or 15 years ago. After the whole M.A.M.E. what looks for is to revive old and forgotten (not forgotten by us) games, so that they don't get lost. I believe that most doesn't make traps, there are only isolated cases, if they exist perhaps if we stop to compete to see who accuses the one who, we can make beautiful recordings of our favorite games. I have seen that there are many games that don't have a good inp, and I am for sure there are people that knows those games very well, but he no longer has the he practices necessary to arrive at the end. this wrong that they have a small help, so much of automatic fire, as of low speed? there are some players that don't have the time and the desires of dedicating him one month or two, maybe to recover the reflections, in some game in particular, and in that way we are losing beautiful recordings. maybe a section should be created that motivated the best recording (the most beautiful) in each game, without caring how it was recorded. Where what is looked for is to show the game in if the best thing possible, only to not make points. I don't know it. I believe that a decision should be made on these topics. it can be that it is mistaken. I wait their comments(posted 9373 days ago)