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Response to What happened to Juan Gustavo?

from BBH (lordbbh@aol.com)
Haha... no, I am not three people, just one (and I'm named Matt... the BBH alias is a whole different story). The key to 1st place is exploiting those bootlegs/alternate versions and playing a lot of games no one else will touch, like a lot of Neo-Geo games. ;) I suck at most of the "popular" classics like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Frogger, etc.

Anyway, I can see where Juan is coming from... but really, in some games Autofire can be a little too useful, and slower speed? Well, that's a no-brainer. I know that it can be difficult to "get back into the groove" and rule the game you kicked ass at a decade ago, but you get to play the game in the comfort of your own home AND are free to pause whenever you want (which can also make for some huge advantages, especially in puzzle-type games). There's just no way to "police" all the recordings that come in, so I guess it's sort of the "honor system" for anyone uploading recordings. I dunno. This topic has been discussed before and we've never really reached a conclusion.

And while I'm thinking about it, another topic revisited... those Breakers recordings. Dith's does not play back correctly either, whether sound is off or on. I still haven't figured out what exactly needs to be done to get them to playback correctly... something's up with these newer Visco games. And I also don't know why I lowered MY score to 0 when someone else can take the 10 points by UL'ing a recording that doesn't work either.... so what's the solution? What if I recorded another game and just attached a .PCX screenshot of the score? Seems to happen on a lot of other games...


(posted 9371 days ago)

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