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Response to What happened to Juan Gustavo?

from Randood (brownrw@worldnet.att.net)
Hello again! I'm back. Just got through collecting 99% of 'whats out there' and building an arcade cabinet!!!! Pics on my homepage soon. Anyway, you all have good points on this subject and it is very unfortunate to lose any competition in this fun race. This topic of FAIRNESS has been the most talked about on the board (at least from what I have read) and the hardest to address. Angry's compilation of our laws concerning shady maneuvers and point exploitation, I feel, is a valid necessicity that helps. But it truly comes down to an honor system. Probably impossible for anyone to police the inps, as Chris said above, with all the variables involved in a recording. We could go to something like; making all recordings use Mame35b* and have autoframeskip on as mandatory, throw in a pcx file after F11 is pressed to sweeten the deal. Is it F11? Oh well, a person could figure out a way around it. As for me, I'm going to continue with the honor system and If the game is one that can bog down on anything less than a p100 then I'll try and write the fps down. I started to do that on my last few recordings before I went on a walkabout:) If it makes you feel any better Juan, just think of this site as a club. Membership is free but it takes a little time to get the look and feel down. I did and this is my favorite site.

Randood - back in the game.

p.s. Stephen, wait till you see the pics of my cab. It's COOOL!

(posted 9428 days ago)

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