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Response to Negative Intensification

from Jeff White (zonie@computer-concepts.com)
>>Any advice on the Se toner type as both a rapid and 2 bath Se toner are available<<

Ansel is refering to Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner although others will also work.

>>Suggested formulae include mixing Se toner with Kodak Hypo Clearing Agent at a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio for 5 minutes followed by working strength Hypo clear and washing. (Ansel)<<

I use 1:2, soak the negative for 3 minutes in water and then refix in plain hypo (this step is not necessary if you are sure that you gave your negatives a thorough fixing but if you didn't fix properly the selenium toner can damage your negative) then I place the neg in the Hypo Clear and Selenium Toner for 10 minutes and then Hypo Clear for 3 minutes and wash. It is important that the wash be cooler than the Selenium toner.

>>can underexposed as well as underdeveloped negs be intensified?<<

Yes both underexposed and underdeveloped negatives can be intensified. Selenium works the same on film as it does on paper, increasing density where there is a lot of silver and less of an increase where there is little silver. Only about a 1 stop or zone increase is possible.

(posted 9271 days ago)

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