Nice score on Flying Shark (the 795,330 on 'fshark'), but you are supposed to use the default settings. The default setting for 'fshark' is 'Normal', and you used 'Easy'. You also turned off 'Allow Continue' (not that that matters).(posted 9312 days ago)To get the default settings, you can delete the file called 'fshark.cfg' from the 'cfg' folder of your MAME folder. If you remove all the files in that directory, all your games will be back to default settings.
It's not much fun checking on which dip switch settings were used in recordings - yours in the first I checked (I think the cheeky smiley in your game description made me suspicious, where you say "area 150 default 3 lives :-)" in response to ^Cronos^'s "why the hell are you using 5 lives in this game too Game Guru?? like BBH said, use default settings like the rest of us!". It's not fair for you to use easier settings than everybody else - so please don't do it.