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B&W Developing Question

from Martin Ceperley (martin@ceperley.com)
Hi, I am a high school student, recently been getting into photography. I just got back from a trip to france with 20 rolls of exposed film. I already sent off the 13 rolls of slide film (sensia) to kodak, but now I'm debating what to do with my 7 rolls of TMAX 400. I have never done any darkroom work before, but this fall I'll have a chance to use the darkroom at my school (I have to buy my own chemicals). But these pictures are important, so I don't think it's a good idea to develop them myself, as the chances of screwing up would be very large. So, I have two options:

a) Send them to a drugstore, getting machine-made 4x6's. I could then play around with making enlargements in the darkroom. Also, I need to mention that 2 of the rolls were exposed at 1600, so they'll need to be pushed 2 stops. Can drugstores do this? How much more (generally) would it cost?

b) Send them a pro lab to get them developed w/ a contact sheet. This would cost more, and my only results would be a contact sheet until I got around to mastering the darkroom. At the pro lab, one 4x6 print is $6, a tad much (6x36=$216). Maybe I could then bring the negs to the drugstore and get them printed...

Any advice? Will the drugstore labs ruin my film? Or would the negatives be the same either way I went? Am I correct in assuming that I would probably screw updeveloping my first rolls? Any help is appreciated a ton!

peace -martin

(posted 9123 days ago)

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