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Response to B&W Developing Question

from Sean (Zbeeblebrox42@yahoo.com)
Martin. i definetely would not sent the film to a drugstore type lab. there is alot of stuff to learn about film processing, alot of trial and error. you might start processing your film and do great, then all of a sudden 2 mos down the road and encounter a problem and have no idea why. the professional lab i use does not put the film through a roller transprot system ( VERY IMPORTANT!!! ). just a question you might want to ask. they also only charge 4 bucks for a 4x6 6 gets me a 5x7 when you do send it out, you might want to only send 1 of the rolls and see what happens... if it is good, youv'e lost nothing. if it comes back lousy, you only lost 1 of your precious rolls, and not all. Sean
(posted 9217 days ago)

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