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Response to Pyro - Tears

from Kevin Kalsbeek (krkk@earthlink.net)
Peter, PMK only seems expensive-- the dilution is basically 1:100, so a little goes a very long way. Hutchings book is available as are the chemicals from Photographers Formulary. URL is:www.montana.com/formulary/index.html . PMK is probably not the ideal developer for everything-- it is a highly compensating developer that is probably best suited for high contrast scenes. I love it !!!!!! I shoot landscapes, which are usually quite contrasty, and with PMK the highlights are not a white blob--they print texture. The neat thing about PMK is that the Pyro stain tends to mask the grain, so the prints look nice, whether 35mm or medium format(6x4.5). I'm still working on getting my MF negs optimized-I use Ilford 400 Delta @ ei 200. With PMK sloppy darkroom technique doesn't cut it, so if you're sloppy, don't bother. If you have questions, shoot me an e-mail, and I'll try to help. Have fun!! Kevin
(posted 9143 days ago)

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