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It's between me and Q.T.

from Cicca (cicca@writeme.com)
OK...I left that thread to let you all "make the difference", and I decided to carry on this discussion publically, even if I preferred to receive such a flame (your statements come across as both rude and obnoxious ....This statement is both hypocritical and non-productive rhetoric )privately from you, QT. When I proposed a submission regulation, I was told I've no right to decide which recording is "lame".....well, it seems you have the right to call my posts "lame": Cicca, let me state quite simply to you or anyone else thinking of making such a lame post: .

My post was not intended to flame you, but, in a way (in 1) and 2)), as an active Marper, to argument why I decided not to vote (and in democracy I have this right, it's not a matter of having the moral high ground ), and, in another way (in 3)), to struggle the Marp community, to "discuss less and act more".... BTW, could pls tell me where I said the list is silly...!?!?

If YOU really believe in democracy, you should let me (and anyone else) contribute to any discussion, agreeing or not, but argumenting, and not offending (see quotes above) !!!

PS: It's not strictly private as in the subject.....if anyone wants to comment about this, he is welcome.

(posted 9300 days ago)

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