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Response to What am I doing wrong?

from Chad (churritz@cts.com)
yep, as Mark says, always remember that mame "changes" every version. so a recording recorded with old technology (beta) might not playback with new technology (vhs), maybe that's too much of an old folks reference. I think there is a playback guide you can click on in the banner labeled "Help", that gives you nearly all the information you need to know.

Also, if you look at the confirmed status (green=notConfirmed, orange=confirmed), if it's orange there's a 99% chance that it WILL playback if you use the same mame version and options. Unfortunatley some people (SPORTSDUDE HINT :) don't note in the upload description as to whether they use sound or not so it's sometimes a good idea to try it with/without sound if one or the other doesn't work.

(posted 9299 days ago)

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