ZTNet (not ZdNet) is retrogames.com, and a bunch of other places, as well, like emunlim.com (I think).(posted 9291 days ago)There's little evidence of it on MARP - probably the only place you'll find it mentioned is on the front page http://marp.retrogames.com, where the banner has some small writing under it saying "This site is hosted for free by ZTNet. Clicking the banner helps them to help me." I'm surprised still that ZTNet hosts MARP for free - I wonder just how much revenue that banner ad brings them. I wouldn't have thought it could be very much. I guess it must just be the prestige of hosting such a world-class site as MARP that they're after, right? :o) And the MARP CGI scripts certainly test out the server's capabilites...