Like I said, I watched my recording again and it seems that I hit the "insert coin" button twice. There was nothing direct to indicate that, nor was there anything that indicated otherwise, but I based this conclusion on two things: (1) The game behaved identically as in the case where I definitely put in multiple coins. (2) During gameplay, I did not see or hear anything that could have indicated I had just earnt a bonus credit.(posted 9204 days ago)As for TG settings, even if there is a way of getting bonus credits (which, on the settings we use, I don't believe there is), there are different ways of interpreting "available for everyone". Do you, Chris, know how to get a bonus credit? I don't. Most people here don't. So it's some big secret then, which would make me say it's AVAILABLE only to very few people.
Anyway, I can easily settle this once and for all. Tonight, I'll examine my .inp file and count the number of times the "insert coin" button was pressed...
Regardless, though, even assuming that the game hands out bonus credits, since the game itself does not indicate through some visual or audio effect that the player has just earnt a bonus credit, there is no way of telling by watching someone play whether someone simply used the "insert coin" button or really earnt the credit. That means that we would have to examine every recording in which someone continued a game to see if they used "insert coin" or not. I don't think that's very practical, so even if this is not in accordance with TG guidelines (and I think it IS in accordance), then for the tournament I still think we should go with game over as soon as you don't finish first.
Ben Jos.