Woohoo, voting! All right, I guess I'll put my two cents in.(posted 9204 days ago)1. A. It's peachy-keen as is, at least on my end of things. 2. A. Wouldn't mind a strictly medal-based system either. 3. A. Ties are just that, ties. 4. C. Beta rushes for easy-to-tie games are passe. :) 5. C. I'm not wild about it by itself, but I'm certainly not going to shout from the rooftops what a godawful idea it is and how I'm going to leave if anybody even ~thinks~ about implementing it. Were one put in, I'd say 10 points is a pretty fair cutoff. 6. A. I'm with Gameboy here, 5th place or better seems like a good guarantee of points. That, combined with the 10-point cutoff, is a solution that I think is satisfactory for all involved. 7. B. With several hundred gamers and growing, this is quickly going to become a monstrosity of a system. The leaderboard scores would be enormous, and everybody's score changes as soon as a new player joins up (if I'm understanding this idea correctly). Ugh. It's great for the tournament, but I think it should stay there. 8. A. MARP survived without it in the beginning, and it can do it again. Chris could certainly do with a lot less bitching from the players over it, I'll wager. 9. B. If it really is bogging down the server (and I suppose it is, there were times when I had several recordings to upload and I think I crashed it), then something needs to be done. But I was encountering problems with <10 recordings in one go, so perhaps 20 is too lenient. I'd go with 5, or even 3. Seriously, how many ~good~ games are you going to play in one day? :)
Thank you, that is all.