Heh. Funny. Last time we had some kind of a vote going on as well. Nothing came from it. I am just wondering if voting does any good. After all, there hadn't been any voting the past few days, and Zwaxy decided to implement the cutoff. No matter how much we vote, Zwaxy will be the one who ultimately decides, maybe even regardless of the results of the voting.(posted 9260 days ago)And at this point it is not a question of whether people like the things listed here or not, it's a question of keeping the MARP servers from crashing all the time. It's a question of having a MARP that you may not like as much anymore versus having no MARP at all.
MySQL is not magic. It may solve the problems and it may not. But even if it does, it is going to take AT LEAST several weeks to convert everything from Python to MySQL. I think nobody here wants to see MARP down most of the time until then.
And since Zwaxy (and I fully support him in this) decides to make changes without waiting for a long-drawn discussion with a lot of threatening, whining, flaming, whatever, followed by a vote, maybe next time there is an issue, it should be taken up with Zwaxy first...
Ben Jos.