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Response to New TG MAME

from Ben Jos Walbeehm (walbeehm@walbeehm.com)
I actually used MAME32 .35 final (the Windows version, which doesn't have the flaw) for my Donkey Kong recording, but I'd be happy to make a recording using the version you just made if you want me to. What's the minimum score I should get? :-)

A minor point regarding the name for your version: The latest readme.txt (for 36b8) states:

(Start of quote) VII. Derivative Works --------------------- Derivative works are allowed (provided source code is available), but discouraged: MAME is a project continuously evolving, and you should, in your best interest, submit your contributions to the development team, so that they are integrated in the main distribution.

There are a certain number of drivers in the source which are disabled in the official distribution. Enabling them is NOT considered a derivative work, and distribution of executables with those drivers enabled is strictly forbidden.

If you make a derivative work, you are not allowed to call it MAME. You must use a different name to make clear that it isn't an official distribution from the MAME team. (End of quote)

Ben Jos.

(posted 9190 days ago)

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