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AGFA B&W films developped in Rodinal & Xtol

from Richard Gingras (Richard.Gingras@Cexpert.com)

I have been using AGFA B&W films for some time now. I also changed from Xtol to Rodinal, at least for the APX 25 & 100.

For the 400 I developped one roll in Rodinal and went back to Xtol because it was way too grainy. With Xtol I have used dilutions of 1:1 and 1:3. The 11 X 14s I printed with the 1:3 dilution were very nice, very little grain, but not as contrasty as Rodinal.

Does anybody out there have a secret recipe he would like to share developping AGFA APX 400 to get better results?

Also Ive heard and read a lot on people developping AGFA APX 25 in Rodinal diluted 1:75 and 1:100 but Ive never found development times. Could someone help me with this, please?

Thank you

Richard G

(posted 9010 days ago)

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