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flat film/refixing?

from Erin C. (ericon_22@hotmail.com)
I've got two questions.

#1 I recently used TMAX 400 film. I exposed it normally, using the correct meter readings. I had more than enough light. I developed it for the recommended time. When I got done, I noticed that the negs were very flat -- gray and white instead of black & white. I'm not even sure if I can print them well. I have used TMAX in the past and got good, contrasty negs with it....what went wrong? Oh yea, I used HC-110 developer - dil B.

#2 Also, with any film I use -- be it Tri-X, SFX 200, Universal 400 or this TMAX, I have had to essentially refix the film each time. I'll pull it out of the fix after about 5 mins and it looks like it was touching. Even though it loads fine. Then, I'll fix it longer, say 5 more minutes or so, then it will look normal. Am I just not fixing it long enough the first time, or is this some strange phenomenon that I'm not aware of? I never had this happen when I was in school. And the prints print normally.

Thanx in advance!!! :)

Erin C.

(posted 8992 days ago)

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