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Response to Delta 3200, Xtol and me

from John Hicks (jbh@magicnet.net)
OK, here goes:

DD-X 1:4 11'/75F EI 2000

Xtol 1:1 12'/75F EI 1250

Xtol 1:1 15'/75F EI 2000

Xtol 1:2 17'/75F EI 2000

Xtol 1:2 20'/75F EI 3200

Microphen 7'/75F EI 2000

Microphen 9'30"/75F EI 3200

Microphen 13'/75F EI 6400

Microphen 18'15"/75F EI 12800

The EI 1200 spec is "true" speed, .10 DU above fb&f for Zone I, "normal" contrast. The EI 2000 specs are a 2/3 stop push, with slightly lower shadow density and slightly higher contrast. The higher speeds are of course more pushing, with lower shadow density, higher contrast and more grain.

IMHO the "sweet spot" is EI 2000; tonal rendition is very nice and the grain isn't horrible.

The reason there's no EI 3200 recommendation for Xtol 1:1 is that I never got around to testing for that. I'd guess around 18'/75F would be a good starting point.

My choice is Microphen; it's less gritty than Xtol but has sufficient sharpness. DD-X of course works, has about the same apparent graininess as Xtol but less acutance. Plus with Microphen I don't have to stand around sloshing the tank near as long.

Agitation is continuous inversion for the first 30 seconds, then two inversions (5 secs) every 30 seconds.

I just tried an old trick I used to use with TMZ, adding sodium sulfite to the working solution at the rate of 50g/L. With Xtol I saw no effect, but with the one roll of D3200 in DD-X I've tried it with I could print at 11x rather than 8x with less graininess. Sharpness appears to be sufficient, but these shots were slow-speed avaiable-darkness so I need to do a bit more testing, probably next time with Microphen. The additional sodium sulfite worked very well with TMZ in Microphen.

(posted 9057 days ago)

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