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Response to PMK Pyro+Amidol

from Ed Buffaloe (edbuffaloe@unblinkingeye.com)
I have used this formula with some success. The amidol changes the color of the negatives somewhat, but I have been able to print my negatives developed in PMK+ with no problems. I can get a speed of 500 to 640 out of T-Max 400, and a true 400 out of Delta 400 with it. I also use it for Delta 3200, but I still rate this film at only 800. PMK is really not the best developer for push processing--X-tol is probably a better choice--but if you only need an extra 1/3 to 1/2 stop, PMK+ is a viable option. Also, it only requires about a tenth of a gram to a liter of working solution, so you don't need to buy very much amidol, which is quite expensive.
(posted 8957 days ago)

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