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Response to Tourney 3 - Time for the debate, and we'll do it with these games...

from Aquatarkus (aquatarkus@digicron.com)
1. Gauntlet II - adventure?

I'd describe gauntlet as "shoot everything that moves". It's a lot closer to a game like Robotron 2084 than Tron. I don't think there's really anything on the list close to it.

2. Amidar - Collect em' up 5. Lady Bug - Collect Em Up 8. Turtles - Collect em' up - out due to two games of same type rule according to me. :) 12. Devil Fish... maze I would guess

These are all maze games where you walk around more or less trying to walk over every pathway in the maze. However - none of these 4 games have similar rules, so I think we could get away with allowing two of them. The objection I have to Amidar is that the existing scores make it look marathonable, but that may not be an acceptable basis for removal seeing as past tournaments have tried to beat the serial number on Galaga & Gyruss.

3. Zero Zone - puzzle - this involves nudity... and I'm quite afraid of the young kids that could be involved... but that's up to the debaters :)

Is there a puzzle game similar enough to use instead? Not like it matters to me, with my performance on puzzle games so far the machine'll be adding my clothes to its collection :(

4. Burning Rubber - driving 7. Marble Madness - maze

Marble Madness is a racing game. It either goes with other racing games (like Super Sprint), or in a class by itself. Not all games with cars are racing games... anyone got a better description of Burning Rubber?

6. Xenophobe - what type is this?

Games that su-su-su {WHAP} suck! There's a good reason there aren't any other games like Xenophobe.

9. 10 yard fight - football

Yep ... football.

10. Ghouls N' Ghosts - Platform 13. Ninja Kid II(set 2) - platform I guess 16. Magic Sword - platform - out due to two game rule 23. Green Beret - platform - out

Yes, these are pretty much in the same class of game. Ghouls N' Ghosts and Magic Sword are CPS1 games and probably need a decently powered computer to play in MAME. Either possible set of 2, Ghouls N' Ghosts & Ninja Kid II, or Ninja Kid II & Green Beret (if we toss cpu hogs) would be different enough to be ok.

11. Tron - uh... adventure I would guess 17. Outzone - ?????? 19. Sega Ninja - ??????

Tron either goes here (Due to Grid Bugs & MCP Cone) or by itself. I don't know anything about Outzone or Sega Ninja, just taking BBH at face value.

14. Tempest - shooting?

I'd group it with Galaga & Gyruss "walk around the bottom & shoot up" games, but there don't seem to be any others on the list.

15. City Connection - driving 20. Kangaroo - platform - out due to two game rule 22. Snow Bros. - platform - out 24. Mappy - oh... plaform - out

These are not "platform" games in the same sense the "run & jump to the right while you slash/shoot" set is. And, once again, not all games with cars are driving games! Same "marathon" objection to City Connection as to Amidar, and same "pick two" comment as on the maze & side scrollers.

18. The main event - wrestling

Well, if 10 Yard Fight counts as football this would have to count as wrestling.

21. Do Run Run - uh... collect em' up? and therefore out

Dig Dug man, Dig Dug yo!

Game list based on my classifications without removing any games except by rule of 2:

1. Gauntlet II 2. Amidar 3. Zero Zone 4. Burning Rubber 5. Lady Bug 6. Xenophobe 7. Marble Madness 9. 10 Yard Fight 10. Ghouls N' Ghosts 11. Tron

Which, despite disagreement over what games belong together, is the same list of 10 games Gameboy came up with. If marathons are bad we'd switch in Turtles(8) for Amidar, and if the speed on Ghouls N' Ghosts is a problem switch in Ninja Kid II(13). Marble Madness runs on similar hardware to Crystal Castles & Super Sprint from T2, so if it goes for speed reasons the replacement would probably be Tempest (14).

The randomizer doesn't seem to have done too badly... should be fun. Aqua

(posted 9123 days ago)

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