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Response to Agfapan APX 25 vs Pan F 50

from Mike Kravit (mkravit@mindspring.com)
APX-25 is a wonderful film. I find that it has a wonderful tonal range is sharp and has minimal grain. In fact, when processed in PMK Pyro I have a tough time using a grain magnifier.....almost can't see the grain.

T-Max 100 is another favorite of mine. Wonderful straight line H&C curve. Sharp as they come with lovely tonal values.

As Ed says, APX-25 is great for scenes with moving water. Yesterday a friend and I spent the whold day in the Big Cypress Swamp near the Everglades. There has been a lot of rainfall and the water was flowing like we had never seen. I loaded the camera with APX-25 at an EI of 16. I shot 20 rolls of 120 6x6. The negatives were processed this morning and the water movement looks silky and very cool.

Good luck, there are some great films on the market.

(posted 8975 days ago)

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