Many thanks to all for the responses. I followed the references cited as much as possible and was able to glean a great deal. The source for the zone system, "The Negative", Ansel Adams is excellent and wonderfully amplified by "Basic Techniques of Photography", John Schaefer. I was not able to find the book 2 however. The zone system discussion and calibration methods outlined on is magnificent. The main problem from my point of view is the lack of a densitometer. Someday...(posted 9072 days ago)For now other less objective techniques will have to suffice. An e-mail inquiry to Kodak pointed out a method that at least involves a "standard" reference. I plan to use the "Kodak projection print scale" and test methods outlined in Kodak Workshop Series Book, "Advanced Black and White Photography" p 54-55. There are two procedures outlined: film speed determination and development time determination. In each, comparison of negative densities with the print scale is required. An interesting wrinkle I'll have to work out is that the print scale density is compared to the negative 'added to that of a blank frame'. This is clearly the fb-f of the blank frame. I assume that the print scale is net density and that I could place the blank frame behind the print scale (illumination from behind) to make the comparison.
frame density - (fb-f) = standard frame density = standard + (fb-f)
I am hoping that my spot meter will be helpful. (Ansel Adams does remark in "The Negative" about .1 ND equating to 1/3 EI. I'll be intersted to see.) While it would be better to use a correctly calibrated densitometer, this method does at least involve a "standard" for comparison.