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Adams' D-23 for TXP...

from shawn gibson (SeeInsideForever@yahoo.com)
I think I'm going to try the D-23 formula in "The Negative", for TXP (Tri-X pro, 120 format). The amount is 1 litre. Should I use my standard 20 oz.'s for 1 120 roll AS IT IS LISTED, i.e., is this a stock formula or already diluted?

water 750cc Elon 7.5g Sod. sul. 100g water to make 1 litre

70 deg. at say 12 min. with 5 sec. agitation every 30sec. to start?

...I've only used pyro since the summer, and I forget how everything else works...

Thanks all.

(posted 8930 days ago)

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