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Negative quality

from John Clark (john.e.clark@mindspring.com)
You probably all have those moments when you want to smash something, today is one of mine. Lately my negatives (6 x 6 medium format) are grainy. I know my camera is capable of being sharp, (Mamiya 330S and Hasselblad 501 CM). The pictures are sharp at 5 X 5 but really are not worth enlarging beyond that. Using XTOL 1:3 and Ilford FP4 film. Always use distilled water, at 68 degrees. I know it's not my enlarger, I eliminated that with some older negs, printed just fine.

I can see by examining the negative that the focus point is on the subject, but the detail is fuzzy. I have an older book that says reticulation can be caused by tempeture variations, (how much) and overused fixer (is that true?). I am on well water were I live, and the temp is usually four or five degrees of the develop temp. (68),I rinse the film in this water, then back into distilled water for a final rinse. (BTW, using small tank, invert 10sec./per min. for 16 mins.)

I have tried rating FP4 at 125, 64, 32. Seems like the quality goes up with the lower ISO. I compensate by shortening the developing time. Has any one experienced this? Any suggestions?

(posted 9007 days ago)

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