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Response to devoloper for ilford fp4 plus

from Brian Hinther (BrianH@sd314.k12.id.us)
I hope FP4+ is as kind to you as it has been to me. I have a 16x20 on the wall (from 120 film) off my first "test roll." I find the tonality wonderful, the sharpness excellent, and the grain pretty darned good for the speed. I've had the best results when using minimum exposure and development, getting a negative you might think was too thin--until you print it.

I, too, would suggest you try XTOL. I used a lot of it when it first came out, and it worked so well I decided to branch out and try other more "exotic" brews. I've come back to it for developing D3200 and once again am amazed at what it can do, especially with dillution. XTOL will give you good shadow detail and excellent sharpness with a minimum of grain.

(posted 8910 days ago)

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