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Response to film& euro.travel

from brad daly (bwdaly@scott.net)
if i understand correctly, european x-ray machines are generally safe. however, they are installing newer machines that may cause damage. i think heathrow has the newer, more dangerous-to-film models. (i recall reading somewhere that one of the attenboroughs had motion picture film ruined at heathrow a couple of years ago). anyhow, here's was i use:

i get one of those protective film bags. it's a bag made of plasticized lead foil, and it seems to protect well. i've had nothing damaged. i always carry most of my camera equipment on the plane with me, and the security people usually want to open my equipment bag and hand-inspect the film bag, which shows up as a big, opaque spot on the machine. they're always very nice about it at heathrow. in fact, they always seem to know what it is when they see the x-ray and say, "sir, i need you to open this, so i can inspect your film bag." i can't speak for how they'll act in italy.

you *might* also want to take all your 35mm film out of the little plastic canisters, especially if they're the black kodak type, and store it in zip-loc bags. i've *heard* of security people insisting on looking into each individual canister, as one could theoretically hide explosive components inside, but i've never had it done to me.

(posted 9004 days ago)

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