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Response to HC-110

from Tony Brent (ajbrent@mich.com)
I have been using HC-110 mixed from the "syrup" for years with good results. I use a dilution of 1 part syrup to 31 parts water. I use the mixing water to rinse the small graduate that held the syrup to make sure it all gets dissolved, then top off to the final volume.

I have processed two 36 exposure 35mm rolls at a time in a 1 pint tank with that mix and had good results. I think 1 roll of 220 will have about the same surface area, so I dont think any adjustment would be needed.

As for published curves, probably Kodak would be the place to look. Yours will vary according to your agitation procedures, time, etc. I dont know that I would be all that worried about it. I have simply tuned things by finding development times for 3 basic lighting situations until they print on a normal paper grade (I dont use multi-contrast papers) with my enlarger or contact printer and then try to repeat as carefully as I can.

(posted 8903 days ago)

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