About golf scores, you should add 10 or 100 points for every hole reached and subtract the overpar score. so if you completed 10 holes with a total overpar score of -2 your score would be 102 or 1002. this is for games that don't let you play all 9/18 holes automatically on one credit.(posted 9016 days ago)About the point difference between offence and defense, this has been discussed in other threads and we haven't come to a clean solution, it's usually been decide that we use offensive score only since we should use a method for all sports games, but there isn't an all encompassing rule that goes for all games including offsensive and defensive score that we've found yet. Usually some games are a lot harder to keep defencive points off the board, so you'd want to use (offense-2*defence) but for most games (offense-defence) is ok.