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Response to Tourney 4 - Shall it be Sega Ninja or Rally X

from BBH (lordbbh@aol.com)
Pat, have you taken a couple minutes to actually PLAY Solar Fox? You still say it's a maze game. That's what I thought too, but I can admit that I am wrong. As others have pointed out, a maze game would imply that there are, ya know, walls? Your movement in Solar Fox is limited only by the edges of the screen, and the "whirlwinds" that appear on later levels. The whirlwinds are usually not in a row, so they do not really count as making up a "maze". Also, you are not really being pursued by enemies, as is usually the case with maze games. Your primary enemies are the turrets on all four sides shooting at you. So as it is, Solar Fox is a pretty unique game. With the way the voting is going it looks like I'll be robbed of one of my picks getting in yet again, and while I'd love to see something other than Rally-X I honestly think that Solar Fox and Rally-X are different enough from each other to be included.

Contra as a "scrolling fighter"? Am I the only one that thinks that just sounds wrong?

(posted 8999 days ago)

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