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Response to Sharpness

from Charlie Strack (charlie_strack@sti.com)
Get The Film Developing Cookbook by Bill Troop and Steve Anchell. You deserve it, especially asking a question like this. (You will appreciate it.)

I agree than standard emulsions (Tri-X, Verichrome, HP5+, FP4+, Agfa Pan, etc.) are better than modern emulsons (TMax & Delta). The Book above will explain it better than I can.

I'm trying divided D76. I'm tired of fussing over developers, and the divided formulas are supposed to give fine grain, slight compensation, and guaranteed-not-to-over-develop results. Oh, and sharp images, too. And less concern over exact agitation procedures. My first results seem to agree with these promises.

And don't forget all the things mentioned above.

High acutance developers (non-solvent) tend to create edge effects, which sharply deliniate between areas of different intensities. The developers include: FX1, FX2, Neofin Blue, Rodinal, HC110, and Xtol when diluted 1:3 and PMK. Higher dilutions increase the effect. Agitation reduces the effect.

(posted 8879 days ago)

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