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Response to What Kodak 400 B&W to use...Tri-x , T-max or 400+ ?

from Terry Carraway (TCarraway@compuserve.com)
Tri-X is the old standard in high speed (relatively) B&W film. It has a look that people either love or hate. It is more grainy that many newer films, but that is part of its charm. It can be pushed to very high speeds.

T-Max is the newer T-grain emulsion. People either love it or hate it. It seems to be a little more critical of development than Tri-X.

400+, I think you mean B&W Select +, which is a C41 processed B&W. This means the film is processed as if it were color print film, but you end up with a B&W negative. Most mini labs end up giving you prints with color casts, but it can still be printed nicely on B&W paper. Due to the color type film/chemisty you end up with reduced grain but the negatives are made up of dye clouds rather than silver grains, so they are not as archival (may not be a problem). It does not tolerate under exposure at all, but it can be pushed (if you can find a lab that will push process color print film).

I would suggest shooting some with each as a test and see which look you prefer. I would also try Tmax 3200 and Ilford Delta 3200 for low light, no flash shots. THese can also be pushed faster.

(posted 8794 days ago)

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