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Response to How much compensation?

from Lee (repossession@bigfoot.com)

I would be inclined to settle. But I would do it like this:

Draw up the best account you can of everything you have spent in dealing with them. Get together receipts, price lists, anything that helps confirm costs that you have forgotten or have no receipt for.

Make sure you include an item for any money you have lost on your house or whatever (this will depend on the actual details of your case, of course).

Then try to decide the value of the emotional distress they have caused you and add that to the statement. it might be worth having a chat with your local CAB to see if they have experience of how much damages are being awarded for the emotional damage these companies cause.

Then... if you can possibly afford to, get legal advice at this point. If not, write to them and ask them what they are prepared to settle for. Their offer will be derisory.

If you can possibly afford to, get legal advice at this point too. If not, respond by submitting your account to them.

When you get their response, if you can possibly afford to, get legal advice at this point. if not, based on their response decide whether to take it further or settle.

I have emailed you separately about other aspects of this case.


(posted 8714 days ago)

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