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Response to Starting developing Agfapan 25

from Bill Shaden (bshaden@rocketmail.com)
Agfa 25 is my favorite film. (I wish it came in 4x5 sheets) I like to develop it in Rodinal 1:100 for 16 minutes at 68 F. So far I have tried, D-76 1:1, Xtol st. 1:1 1:2 1:3 , TFX2, HC110, Tmax 1:7, for my eye, Rodinal 1:100 is my favorite of these developers with Agfa 25.

I also use Agfa 100 and I think that so far Xtol 1:2 or 1:3 works better for me than Rodinal. I Would be interested in hearing others opinions on this.

(posted 8747 days ago)

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