The CMP Network (the same group that host the MARP tourney roms atm) will host the first MARP grand tourney (in conjuction with MARP), to start September 1, 2000. All players will be paired into either a 2 or 3 player group (depending on players in the competition), and will play against their group only for advancement into the next round, where winning players will be paired up again. Each round of this competition will have it's own game, and all players of the round will be playing the same game. Signups are currently being taken at until someone else can be arranged. If you want to play, join today!!! Note: ALL BANNER CLICKS FROM NOW UNTIL THE END OF THIS TOURNAMENT WILL BE POOLED AND PAID TO THE WINNER (SO, THERE IS A PRIZE TO BE WON ON THIS TOURNAMENT). The site receives ten cents per click, so if you want to build up the prize, keep clicking. There will be updates on the CMP Network tourney page as to the current size of the prize pool.(posted 8923 days ago)Chris