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Response to Temperature of stop-bath, fix and wash

from Erin C. (ericon_22@hotmail.com)

I always make sure that I use the same temp for the developer and wash bath, 68 degrees if possible. Lately it's been difficult to get that because it is summer here in the U.S. so I try to get it as close to 68 degrees as possible.

As for chemistry, since I premix the stop and fix, I honestly don't know what the temp is. I think it would be wise to stick all three in a holding tray with water at the temp you want for processing. I haven't tried it yet but would like to at some point.

I was always told that the temps should be kept near the same and expecially the water wash. I always make sure that it is close if not right on.

I've never had any trouble with reticulation or clumping grain. As for printing, believe it or not, I don't regulate the temp at all - whatever comes out of the faucet (on the cold side of course) is what I use to mix my developer. Never had any trouble with prints either.

(posted 8741 days ago)

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