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TFX-2 again

from John Hicks (jbh@magicnet.net)
Second test of TFX-2, TMX, Delta 100 and HP5+....

TMX in TFX-2, 13'15"/68F standard intermittent agitation is just right for my normal contrast, EI 100; curve shape and viewing the negs at 8x and 30x are identical to TMX in Rodinal 1:100. Very crispy, grain pretty much invisible, quite a bit higher acutance than D-76 1:1.

So for this film, TFX-2 works great. If you have Rodinal don't bother, but if you don't normally stock Rodinal then TFX-2 would be worth a try. Either will remedy TMX's often "not real sharp" look.

Delta 100 in TFX-2, 13'15"/68F EI 100. Again, normal CI, and surprisingly the curve shape overlays that for D-76 1:1. Good acutance but easily-visible grain at 8x; conversely D-76 1:1 renders finer detail sharply with much finer grain.

A so-so match; it works, but D-76 1:1 works better. The combination would be fine in larger formats.

HP5+ in TFX-1, 13'15"/68F EI 400. _Huge_ grain and contrast is down; needs more development but that would just make the grain worse; not only that, acutance is poor. Forget it.

(posted 8827 days ago)

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