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Response to Delay between exposure and developing

from Todd Frederick (fredrick@hotcity.com)
Paul...just from personal experience with absolutely no scientific tested basis, I do think that both Tri-X and Verichrome Pan will last quite a while. I've actually heard tales of 50/60 years...myth of course! I don't know much about APX. Regarding Tri-X...you do know that the Tri-X Pan 120 is a very different film than the Tri-X PRO 120?! The 35mm Tri-X is the Tri-X Pan, but you have to usually ask for the Tri-X Pan in the 120, since they will try to sell you the more "advanced" Pro version...totally different tonal scale, IMO. The "pan" version has the more classis "feel" to it. Correct me if I'm in error, please.
(posted 8806 days ago)

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