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Response to Why BBH?

from J.D. Lowe (jedidrunkenllama@hotmail.com)
First of all:

jdllama slaps david-14 around with a large trout

That's for saying the d word ;)

Second, this thread, while mostly pointless, has been at least slightly helpful with deciphering peoples names. Now, if we can just find out why QRS calls himself that name, then I can die a happy llama :)

Third: I know, I already described my nickname, but I need to put some finishing touches to it. "J.D. Lowe" = "Jeffrey Lowe" (like I'd say my whole real name on a message board; that would get me f****d in a split second :) ). My father named me after himself, so you can tack on a "Jr." to my name when you want to :) The bad thing about being named after your father is that it gets confusing when phone calls come in asking for "Jeff". So, to clarify things, I told him that he can stick with Jeffrey, or Jeff, or whatever he wants; then I can stick with J.D.

And now you know the rest of the story. Good day!


J.D. Lowe Jr. ;)

(posted 8885 days ago)

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