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Response to experience with Diafine?

from Gene Crumpler (nikonguy@worldnet.att.net)

I use Diafine for all of my B&W work, including Tech Pan in 35 and 120. It is a great developer to get consistentency in your development. Results are independent of temperature, time and agitation, within limits. It is very good for T-max films as they are very sensitive to all three of these. It should work for LF negatives as well.

Typically you get a boast of 1 to 1 1/2 stops above the Factory ASA. If the negative is not on the button, then you KNOW that the exposure is not on, as the development is always on (barring exhaustion of the developer). The stuff last for months and months. I use part of the A and B solution for development and use the rest of the of A and B solutions to constantly replenish the working solutions.

The company has a web site that explains how to use the developer. Try a search for ETHOL.

(posted 8706 days ago)

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