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Response to Tourney 5 - Debate with these games...

from phil (plamat@club-internet.fr)
2 precisions for BenJos

10) I don't dislike elevatob (the one I dislike is renegade) ; I thought it MAY be out because of deca2000 (I had forgotten the boblbobl case) , and it was just an OPINION (debates are made to give opinions , correct me if I'm wrong) and not a wish ; it was the first of the 5 tourneys I was giving my opinion on the preselected games , and viewing the result it's the last ... choose the games I don't care

20) as every debate everybody can say its own word , but I'm not responsible of what others say ; I don't really understand the sense of your last remark ; all I can say is that with Lagavulin and Blost we are mailing each other oftenly about some games (my english is not so good and it's very pleasant to discuss in french sometimes)


(posted 8885 days ago)

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