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Response to Chemical Mixtures

from GreyWolf (dwd@telusplanet.net)
Hi Colleen, This is very dependant upon the type of developer you have bought. Some like Agfa Rodinal tend to be quite easy to make just enough for a single roll where as others like Ilford ID-11 need to first be mixed using the whole package into what they call a "Stock Solution". You then can use a portion of the "Stock Solution + water" to make a one-shot solution you can discard. With stop bath it is just as easy to make a container full and reuse as it does not expire from sitting around but only from using it over and over. (at least it takes a very long time for it to expire if unused) As for fixer most folks also make a quantity that they keep and reuse. Fixer also has a life that is measured in how much film you develope and not so much on how old it is. Hope this helps.
(posted 8693 days ago)

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