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Response to Gigabit film?

from Mason Resnick (bwworld@mindspring.com)
Hmm...Any of our German-speaking friends care to take a stab at translating/summarizing the gist of the site John mentioned?

Steve: to the best of my knowledge, neither Kodak nor Foveon has revealed their pricing strategies for their respective chips...although I admit I'm not as in the loop as I'd like to be, and may have missed something.

Here's what I know about Foveon's pricing: according to an article about a month ago in the Wall St. Journal, because a CMOS chip is supposedly relatively easy to produce, they feel the 16mpixel chip can be made in massive quantities. National Semiconductor is a major investor in Foveon, and they have the mass production capability that could would make it competitive with current consumer digital chips.

Their current products are definitely way high end, and this would represent a major change of direction for them. I'd be vert interested in any more specific info, links etc. about pricing that you may have come across.

(posted 8760 days ago)

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