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Response to A Super film from Germany Gibabit film

from martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com)
The key to gigabitfilm'ss high resolution seems in its special grain structure: in a developed grain, there may be 8 or 10 silver crystals arranged in three dimensional manner with gaps in between, unlike other films which silver crystals lump together. To take advantage of this special characteristicws of gigabitfilm's grain structure, special enlarger lens may be necessary.

Point source enlarger and special enlarger of 100x with colum height in 80 cm range. Ordinary enlarger lense light incident angle is differert from the camera lens, therefore the individual crystals in a developed grain may block the path of light, resulting in the crystals apparently lumps together and reduced the effective resolution of the film.

The 1000x picture cannot be obtain with ordinarly enlarger lens( with which improvement in 2 to 3 times is still possible ) It was enlarged with a 100x lens(specially made) on Agfa enlarger with a 35mm camera withouut lens, but with gigabit film loaded, small 1/100mm area of the negative is scanned with this special set up to expose the film. Then enlarge this film ten x on photopaper to yield 1000x picture


(posted 8660 days ago)

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