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Response to A Super film from Germany Gibabit film

from Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk)
Your translation is a bit off Martin.
That's not what the article says at all. I've got a German speaking colleague working on a full translation, which I'll post to your other thread later.
Basically, what the guy from Gigabit is saying, is that he tried a specially constructed lens, made from cannibalised parts, but still wasn't satisfied with the results.
He then went on to use the lens that he actually took the negative with (an el-cheapo Vivitar 90mm macro lens), as an enlarger lens (good move or what!?); projecting the image onto another piece of Gigabit film, held in a KB monobar camera. Then from this duped negative he produced the final 1000 times enlargement. (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)

I'm sorry for the sceptical comments Martin, but it's all I can do to keep a straight face at all this moonshine.

(posted 8753 days ago)

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