Chris,(posted 8824 days ago)I thought what I said was more along the lines of constructive criticism, rather than griping and complaining. I was just rewording the offensive post (which was thankfully deleted) into rather more suitable comments.
So you've said that gb and JD offered to help, and I would think that three people would easily be enough. I know we'd have all preferred to have separate "K1-game" categories on MARP to upload into, but it wasn't to be as the SQL database changes aren't that easy; notice T5 being set as T4 for example.
Zwaxy has been taking a back seat at MARP for a long time, and I for one have NO criticism of that, as he put so much work into the site overall making it what it is. And with the various editors' and confirmers' efforts, for the main part it runs itself. That's nice and painless for us mere MARP players, and it's how the majority of us prefer it.
If you want help NOW with KOA updating and maintenance, then I'm offering it. I don't think you'll dig KOA1 out of the hole it's in, but I'm sure with a bit more planning KOA2 has the potential to be much more successful.
I'd just suggest as a starting point having better fixed deadlines for the start and end of the various rounds, having the ROM available for download as soon as the page is ready, and more careful use of the previous round's page when using it as a template for the next round. The various errors just make it look like you don't care, and I think that's a contributory factor in so many people dropping out.