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Response to Favourite PMK Pyro films

from Brian Rowland (rowfam50@hotmail.com)
Ilford HP5 plus (roll film) is a very good combination wiith PMK - a film that I never previously rated very highly in ordinary developers. I develop for 13mins/21 deg C in a 1l Jobo Tank @ ASA200

A strongpoint is luminosity which is becoming harder to find in modern emulsions. From my experience Delta 100, T Max 100 etc...are very sharp but do not provide the tonality many photographers seek.

Anyone really serious about TMAX 100 may like to try the old FX22 Geofrey Crawley Glycin based formula this transforms TMAX into something special: Grainless and wonderful smooth tonality - excellent for portraits. Looks more like an XP2 neg!

I used to love FP4 until it was "improved" but no longer use the plus version. HP5 is now the "classic" emulsion from Ilford.

For slower emulsions Agfa have a standout in APX 100. I have only tried their 4X5 version but in PMK it produces stunning results. Try 12mins /21 deg C tray dev. Strongpoints: Sharpness coupled with excellent tonality

Interestingly Shutterbug did a recent film review and recommended both the above films as current "flagships". The sad thing is these fine materials won't be around for too much longer if we don't buy them.

I use a Durst Laborator 1000 4X5 Colour Head and a Zone VI cold light source when I am really serious!

Rgds, Brian Rowland

(posted 8660 days ago)

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